How to know if he's just not that into you

Do you find yourself wondering if he's just not that into you? There are some key signs to look for that can help give you a better idea. First, take note of how much effort he puts into seeing you. If he only texts or calls when it's convenient for him and doesn't make any real plans, likely, he's not as invested as you are. Additionally, consider how interested he seems when you're together. Is he constantly checking his phone or looking around the room? Or is he listening and engaging in the conversation? These are all things to keep in mind when trying to determine whether or not he's just not that into you.

He never texts you first

If he never texts you first, it can be pretty frustrating. You always find yourself taking the initiative and reaching out only to wait hours or even days for a response. It's difficult to tell whether he just forgets to respond or has flat-out lost interest in conversing with you, but either way, your self-esteem takes a hit from all that unreciprocated messaging. If you're feeling down about it, remember - there is someone worth having a relationship with that will not ignore or forget about you. Reach out and put yourself first by finding someone who appreciates being connected with you!

He always cancels plans with you at the last minute

It can be frustrating when your friend always cancels plans at the last minute. There's nothing worse than making dinner plans with someone, only to have them call you right before you're supposed to leave and say they can't make it. It makes it hard to count on this person and leaves you with a lot of wasted time and effort planning something that fell through at the last minute. Something needs to change if this friendship is going to work out in the long run - otherwise, it'll just become a source of constant disappointment.

He doesn't introduce you to his friends or family

It can be tough to feel like your SO isn't confident introducing you to the important people in their life. It might hurt to think they don't want to show you off, or worse, that they don't trust you. It's worth having a conversation about this issue before letting it build up — couples are usually on the same page when it comes to introducing each other, even if sometimes one of them needs a gentle nudge to break the ice. If he continues to keep things separate, try seeing it as something meaningful between only the two of you and not meant for others. Either way, lean on your friends and family for support, and remember that you deserve someone who introduces you with pride and joy!

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You feel like you're always the one doing all the work in the relationship

I'm starting to feel like every relationship I get into is one-sided - I'm always the one putting in all the effort. It's hard enough having a relationship without feeling like you have to put in 110%. Don't get me wrong, it's nice when someone reaches out to check in or sends a thoughtful message, but when there's an imbalance of effort it quickly drains your energy and motivation to keep searching for a partnership that has mutual give-and-take. I think it's important to remember that anyone who truly wants to be with you will make sure you know that they care and are willing to do their share of the work.

He's not interested in your life or what's going on with you

It can be tough when you realize someone is not interested in your life or what's going on with you. You can feel invisible, isolated, and like a person that doesn't matter. It's easy to take things personally, but the truth is it could be because they are caught up with their issues and don't have the energy or focus to give attention to yours. It's important to remember that everyone has different relationships and dynamics so just because this person isn't interested it doesn't mean nobody is.

The sex is bad and he doesn't seem to care about trying to make it better

When it comes to intimacy, communication is key. If your man isn't willing to not only talk about the problem but also make an effort to fix it, then things are really bad. Sex should be a fulfilling experience for both you and your partner; if your partner is just layering there without trying to make it enjoyable for either one of you then he's not doing his part, and that's no fun. If he won't put in the work to make things better, this might be a sign that the relationship needs more than just some lube and sex positions.

So, if you're seeing some (or all) of these signs in your current or potential relationship, it might be time to move on. It's not fair to you to continue wasting your time on someone who doesn't seem to care about you as much as you care about them. Don't forget that there is plenty of other fish in the sea!