How To Protect Yourself From Sun Damage

Summer is here, which means it's time to head outdoors and enjoy the nice weather! But before you do that, it's important to make sure you're taking proper steps to protect your skin from sun damage. As a woman, the sun can be especially damaging - prolonged sunlight exposure can lead to dried out or prematurely aging skin - so take some time today to learn how you can give your skin the TLC it needs and avoid harmful UV rays. In this blog post, I'll help you understand exactly what sun damage is and provide tips on how best to fend off its effects. Plus — read on for ideas about fashionable protective clothing that will keep both your body and style in check!

Wear sunscreen every day, even in the winter

putting sun cream on hand

Wearing sunscreen every day is an important step many people miss in their beauty routine. Often we think of sunscreen as merely something to apply when going out into the sun, which means we tend not to wear it during the winter. However, ultraviolet rays from the sun are present year-round and can cause damage to unprotected skin even on cloudy days. Wearing sunscreen 365 days a year provides an additional layer of protection that helps protect against premature aging caused by sun exposure, as well as more serious issues like skin cancer. So don't forget your sunscreen for winter -- it's just as important then as it is any other time of year!

Seek shade when possible

sun shining through a tree's greenery

Did you know that spending time in the sun can be hazardous for your health? Sun exposure is associated with an increase in skin cancer risks, premature aging, and other painful conditions. Thankfully, you don't have to stay inside on sunny days to protect yourself from its harmful effects. While not always possible, when outdoors it's advisable to seek shade as much as possible. Finding shelter from the sun's UV rays makes a difference in limiting the amount of solar energy it takes for your body to adjust and defend itself - ultimately reducing the chances of both short-term and long-term damages!

Avoid sun exposure during peak hours

women protecting herself from sunlight with her hands

No doubt spending a few hours in the warm sun feels great - but it comes at a cost. When you're exposed to the sun during peak hours, from 10 am - 4 pm, your skin is especially susceptible to UV damage, which accelerates aging and significantly increases your chance of getting melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Before you hit the beach for sunbathing or head out for a day of outdoor activities, always check the time and make sure you are avoiding direct exposure between 10 am - 4 pm. Cover up with clothes and hats if needed, or just enjoy an outing indoors instead. It's as simple as that!

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Cover up with clothing and a hat

women wearing hat

Covering up with clothing and a hat is an essential part of staying safe in the sun. Heading outdoors without adequate protection can have dire consequences like sunburn, skin damage, and even skin cancer. Clothing and a hat are great tools to help protect you against the harmful UV rays of the sun. Not only are they easy to use - just throw on some light clothing and a wide-brimmed hat - but they also go a long way towards helping lower your risk of developing sun-related conditions. So if you're planning on going outside, make sure you remember clothing and a sturdy hat!

Use sunglasses that offer UV protection

women sitting on a beach in a hat

Using sunglasses that offer UV protection is the best choice for shielding your eyes from the sun's harsh rays. Not only will they keep your eyes looking great, but they can also reduce the risk of cataracts and other eye conditions. With so many styles available, you're sure to find a pair that suits your taste and lifestyle; wrap-around frames provide extra protection from the sides, while mirrored lenses block out up to 99% of UV light. While cheap knock-offs may seem tempting, in the end, they won't provide sufficient protection - invest in quality sunglasses that offer 100% UV-blocking power to save your vision.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

women drinking water in hot weather

Staying hydrated is so important for keeping your body in peak condition. Drinking enough water each day is an easy way to make sure your cells are functioning optimally and providing you with the energy and focus you need to tackle whatever comes your way. Water helps flush out toxins, promotes healthy digestion, nourishes your muscles, and may even help keep your skin looking nice and glowy. Plus, swapping out sugary drinks for a big glass of refreshing water can be a much healthier choice for both your wallet and waistline. Make it part of your daily routine to get plenty of H2O -- aim for at least 8 glasses a day and you'll be on the right track!

Hopefully, this post has inspired you to adopt the habit of wearing sunscreen every day! Just remember the basics: seek shade when possible, avoid sun exposure during peak hours, cover up with clothing and a hat, use sunglasses that offer UV protection, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. And don't forget - apply sunscreen evenly over all exposed skin surfaces 20-30 minutes before going outside. Have fun in the sun!