Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Quickly

Do you wake up every morning and dread looking in the mirror due to your pesky acne? It can feel like no matter how many different lotions and potions you buy, nothing ever seems to work. Well, we've got news for you: There's a much simpler route to clear skin than loading up on pricey skincare products! Home remedies for acne are a great way to fight off breakouts without spending a fortune or applying harsh chemicals - so let us show you some amazing ones that work!

Apple cider vinegar

apple vinegar on wood table

Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that has been recommended for centuries to treat various ailments, from colds to acne. It is rich in antioxidants and other natural compounds which help accelerates the healing process. Since it is a powerful anti-bacterial, it can be used as a natural remedy to quickly get rid of acne. Simply apply apple cider vinegar diluted with water several times daily on affected areas and rinse off after 15 minutes. With regular use, you may notice that acne marks begin to fade away, resulting in smoother skin and even tone complexion. Besides its ability to treat acne, apple cider vinegar may also protect against environmental damages like UV rays and direct sunlight. As a home remedy treatment, apple cider vinegar is an easy, cheap and effective way to reduce acne fast without any side effects!

Lemon juice

lemon juice in glass

Lemon juice has long been used as a home remedy for treating acne. Packed with Vitamin C and citric acid, this natural treatment helps to remove dead skin cells and reduce the oil that can clog pores. Applying lemon juice directly to the skin is said to help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria that most often cause breakouts. If you decide to try it out, always do a patch test first, since lemon juice can make sensitive skin more red and irritated in some cases. And if you leave it on too long or don't dilute it properly, it might cause your skin to dry out. But used correctly it just may be the simple solution you need for tackling persistent acne!



Even the most stubborn acne can be a thing of the past with just one simple, accessible product: toothpaste! Using toothpaste as an at-home remedy is an inexpensive way to treat mild to moderate acne, and it can help control oiliness in the skin. The best part? It's probably already right in your bathroom. All you have to do is apply a small amount of toothpaste - preferably white paste, not gel - directly onto the blemish and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before washing it off. Of course, if your acne persists or worsens, it may be time to consult your dermatologist for other treatment options. However, toothpaste can still be worth a try if you're looking for an easy solution. Not only will you save money and time by skipping professional treatments, but also achieve visibly better skin with no trips necessary!


ice cubes

Ice is one of the most straightforward home remedies for acne that many people, especially teens, have turned to over the years. Applying ice on the skin can reduce inflammation and redness caused by acne and help keep pores clear by reducing oil production. It's also a safe, quick, and affordable option that can be done in the comfort of your own home. To get the most out of this remedy, simply wrap a few cubes of ice in a cloth and hold it gently but firmly against affected areas for up to five minutes. This simple practice helps improve blood circulation which may reduce pain, redness, and swelling associated with acne. However, it's important to limit its use as too much ice can cause burning or inflammation on the skin. Before using it, make sure you check with your dermatologist and ask them if ice is safe for your skin type.

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garlics in bowl

Garlic is loaded with antioxidants, which help to fight inflammation that could be causing breakouts. To use it as a face mask, start by crushing some garlic cloves until it becomes a paste. Then apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Afterward, you can use a gentle moisturizer if desired. Another thing to keep in mind when using garlic topically is its pungent properties - we recommend being careful not to get any in or around your eyes! Acne sufferers may find great success with garlic as a natural alternative to medicated creams or other store-bought treatments - give it a try!

Baking soda

spoon of baking soda

Baking soda is a natural, affordable home remedy that can help with many skin conditions, including acne. It's an excellent exfoliator and helps to dry out pimples and absorb excess oils. Baking soda also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping reduce the redness and irritation that often accompany acne breakouts. To use baking soda as a home remedy against acne, simply mix a teaspoon or two of baking soda with enough water to create a paste; you can then apply the paste to the affected area as a face mask. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. Repeating this every other day should help reduce your acne over time!


honey in bowl

Honey is known for its nourishing properties, and when applied topically to the skin, it can help draw moisture into the pores, clear away dirt, reduce inflammation and control excess sebum production. Additionally, honey contains an abundance of antiseptic acids which help to fight infection and protect the skin from further outbreaks. For best results, you should use raw honey (preferably organic) rather than processed store-bought varieties. Simply apply a thin layer of honey directly onto the affected areas of your skin and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off. Try adding honey to your daily skincare routine and see why so many people have sworn by its natural healing powers - if used regularly it could be just what you need to keep your skin healthy, flawless, and acne free.

If you're looking for a quick fix to your acne woes, give these home remedies a try. From honey masks to apple cider vinegar, there are plenty of options that can be easily found in your kitchen or local grocery store. And the best part? These natural ingredients won't leave your skin feeling dry and irritated like some over-the-counter treatments. Have you tried any of these home remedies before?